Our Collection
Our carefully curated selection of products is designed to cater to your specific needs and preferences. Each item in our collection represents our commitment to quality while supporting other small businesses that share our passion for a great product for you.
Browse through our diversecollection to find detailed descriptions, features, and specifications that help you make informed choices. Whether you're looking for a plant that is rare and checks off your wishlist, or everything you need to setup your paludarium or vivarium. We also provide a wide variety of plant supplies, grow lights and related essentials.
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Tree Fern Fiber 40L US$109.99
Wriggle Brew US$19.99
Worm Tea US$19.99
Liquidirt US$24.99
GT Silica 1 Liter or 250ml US$39.99
Foliage Focus 1 Liter US$39.99
Growth Technology Rootzone US$34.99
Monstera Siltepecana El Salvador US$14.99
Marcgravia Sp. Suriname US$14.99
Solanum Uleanum US$9.99
Terrarium Starter Kit US$79.99
The Variegated Pilea Cadierei US$9.99
Triolena Hirsuta US$24.99
Peperomia Antoniana US$24.99
Maidenhair Fern US$9.98
4" greenhouse fan US$9.99
Ludisia Discolor "Salmon Sandstone" US$14.99
Pearcea Hypocyrtiflora US$14.99